About Me

Camano Island, WA, United States
I like to enjoy life, play, create things, and most of all be me! (Wife, Mom, Jewelery Designer, Student, Scouting Volunteer, Crafter, and Seeker of fun! ETC...)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


My example of ORDER is PASSIVE because:
  •   The white space creates harmony and visual comfort
  •     It is inert, not particularly active (I like to think of this image as, students standing in a line, because that is the rule.)
  •     There is no touching or overlap (Each student has their personal space, and keeps their hands to themselves)
  •  All elements are within frame (Each student can be accounted for)
  •  There is no resistance (They know the rule, and they follow it.)

My example of CONGESTION is ACTIVE because:
  •  Is exemplifying movement or at least sluggishly so! (I picture a black Friday shopping trip with this image.)
  •  The placement implies direction (The store has just opened and it’s a mad rush to get through those doors.)
  •   There is touching, overlap, and resistance (These people are not going to let someone else get in before them!)
  •   The elements are reaching toward the outer limits of the frame (“I must get that new gadget in the electronics department.”)

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